ࡱ> 352y bjbjEE 4'' 2"JBBB"BBBVS@t s0x|"&|"|"\BB|" : The Role of Faculty Assessors Heather Brasell, Jim Nienow, & Sean Lennon Q: Who decides what courses can be targeted? A: Academic departments. This will depend on several factors: Electives v courses in major Upper level v lower level courses Courses required for transfer to another institution or for accreditation Q: Who decides on appropriate level of prior experiences for students to target a course? A: Assessors (in consultation with their departments) define the level of experience that could reasonably provide adequate prior learning. Because this serves as a gatekeeper, definitions of prerequisite experiences must be appropriate, defensible, and public. Q: How much contact is there between assessors and students? A: This depends on the course and the assessor. One model might entail the assessor having no contact with the student. Another model might entail very close communication between assessor and student. Increasing the contact increases the potential for personal influence. However, it reduces the potential for miscommunication of expectations. We anticipate that contact will be high until assessors become more comfortable with the needs of the students and their own role in preparing assessment guidelines, and they have developed several assessments to use as models. Q: Who determines the ratings for each component? A: The assessors define what is mastery, satisfactory or developing for each component of the evaluation instrument. They keep in mind that the work for the submission is graded as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory, and satisfactory is equivalent to anything from a grade of 70 upwards. Q: Who determines how the evaluation instrument is implemented? Does a student have to score satisfactory in every component of the evaluation? A: The assessors define the scoring needed to get an overall satisfactory rating. For instance, some assessors might state that a lower score in one component might be offset by a higher rating in another component. Another assessor might state that the rating for each component must be satisfactory in order to get an overall satisfactory grade. Q: What happens if a student receives an overall unsatisfactory grade for the submission? A: The assessors (in consultation with their departments) determine the resubmission policy. Several possibilities: No resubmission Resubmit selected sections Resubmit maximum portion of submission (e.g. 25%) Resubmit entire documentation Q: How can we be sure the experiences are authentic and valid? A: Students document these experiences. Documentation can include certificates, training materials, annual reports or supervisor evaluations, work products, photographic or video evidence, as well as testimonials. These experiences are important as both justifying entry to PLA and also as basis for learning. However, the evaluation focuses primarily on learning, not the experiences themselves. Q: How can we be sure the evidence of learning in the submission is the work of the student? A: Where there is a question of validity of learning, the assessment guidelines should provide clear expectations that the evidence of learning be closely aligned with experiences. For instance, the assessor can describe in What is Valued that evidence of learning must include examples and case studies obtained from experience. This issue is shared with on-line courses and assessors avoid assignments where students can easily cut-and-paste to create submissions.  /L   V c f j  "#'(78=>JKxFG{ļĴĴԔhgfCJaJhDCJaJh,eXCJaJhfTCJaJh?ZCJaJh"CJaJh%hCJaJh%CJaJhvCJaJhuACJaJhhuACJaJh%hhv5CJ(aJ(h%hhuA5CJ(aJ(6 KLy@ A ! 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